
Geometric Stitching

Geometric Stitching

My love for patterns, textiles, and Japanese crafts led me to discover sashiko, a type of Japanese stitching.

Geometric Stitching

My love for patterns, textiles, and Japanese crafts led me to discover sashiko, a type of Japanese stitching.

Pattern Inspo: V&A Pattern Books

Pattern Inspo: V&A Pattern Books

My favorite 1930s floral fabrics and a link to the V&A museum pattern collection.

Pattern Inspo: V&A Pattern Books

My favorite 1930s floral fabrics and a link to the V&A museum pattern collection.

Painted flowers

Developing a Language of Flowers

William Justema writes in The Pleasures of Pattern that each pattern designer develops their own shorthand for illustrating flowers, what he calls their “language of flowers.” 

Developing a Language of Flowers

William Justema writes in The Pleasures of Pattern that each pattern designer develops their own shorthand for illustrating flowers, what he calls their “language of flowers.” 

Book cover of pleasures of pattern

Book Review: The Pleasures of Pattern

A review of one of my favorite books about patterns, including some of my favorite exercises to start making patterns.

Book Review: The Pleasures of Pattern

A review of one of my favorite books about patterns, including some of my favorite exercises to start making patterns.

Colorwork knitting swatches

Patterns in Knitting

A pattern lover’s view of knitting: the various ways you can create patterns in knitting and some of my favorite knitting patterns.

Patterns in Knitting

A pattern lover’s view of knitting: the various ways you can create patterns in knitting and some of my favorite knitting patterns.